i-Timesheets is now a certified Xero Add-on Partner

This month we achieved our accreditation as a Xero Add-on Partner and we are now listed on Xero’s Add-on Marketplace Website. Our Xero Accounting Integration Module provides seamless integration of i-Timesheets with Xero, making it easy to invoice your customers and pay staff.

Thank you to all our Clients for their valuable input during the beta programme – it helped shape our integration module to provide maximum value to business.

Want to know more?

Use the following links to visit our website or see our listing on the Xero Add-on Marketplace.

• Xero Integration Module

• Xero add-on marketplace

• Getting started with i-Timesheets & Xero

Team i-Timesheets ride in the CCC

Fresh off the back of the Perth Great Bike Ride event, Team i-Timesheets competed in The Financial Review Corporate Cycling Challenge (CCC).

A Time Trial event that features a King of the Mountain stage and is open to a broad range of riders from amateurs to pro cyclists meant it was an exciting and challenging event for our riders.

With perfect weather and a well-managed Peloton, Team i-Timesheets had a great time and proudly finished third overall in their category.

The CCC is a very well organised event and we look forward to participating again next year.

Intertec coffee experiment

The Intertec offices were brewing this week, brewing with coffee that is.

There has always been a lot of banter around the office when it comes to coffee: where to get our next takeaway, what’s the perfect ratio of coffee to milk, which coffee machine is best for home, what beans origin is the tastiest etc. One of these discussions turned to how does a serious coffee machine compare to the ever popular Nespresso.

Steve volunteered to bring in his beefy Sunbean with a separate standalone grinder vs Emma’s dainty Nespresso with milk frother attachment. Steve went first using freshly roasted beans from Fiori in the grinder, wasn’t long before a beautiful aroma filled the office. The end product was a flat white that was on par to a top-end coffee house cafe.

Emma stepped up next and smashed out all the coffees before you could say snap. The pod used was the Ristretto variety to try match the strength from Steve’s strong hit. The flavour was very reasonable but just didn’t have the depth of aroma and freshness of Steve’s.

There was general consensus that the Sunbean (and Steve) did a great job, but there is a lot of effort and time that goes into making a cup, not to mention the cost of the setup is 4 times more expensive than the Nespresso. After all the action we continued our regular group meeting at accelerated pace thanks to the caffeine fix.


i-Timesheets v5.4 now available

Intertec are proud to announce the next release of i-Timesheets v5.4, packed with new features that are designed to streamline your time sheet tracking and management processes.

i-Timesheets enhancements are largely based on feedback from our valued customers and reflects our strong commitment to provide you with software that continues to add ‘real’ value to your business.

Major Enhancements

New Timesheet Authorisation Screen

Administrators and Managers have access to authorise timesheets via a new Authorisation Screen. When you setup a Manager in i-Timesheets and you link that Manager to a Staff Logon you have the option to allow them to authorise by email and/or the new authorisation screen.

Once the Manager record has been created and assuming you have authorisation enabled then the Authorisation Screen should appear as a new tab alongside the Check Timesheets screen as shown in the screen capture below.

Timesheet Authorisation Screen.

Note:  For Managers the new Authorisation Screen will appear for either Project or Staff Managers depending on how you have authorisation configured in i-Timesheets.

Key Benefits:

  • Administrators and Managers can do bulk approval/rejection of staff timesheets for a given period.
  • Quick access to view the staff timesheet plus a link to the standard drill-down function for a detailed listing of time and expense records.
  • Administrators can filter based on ‘All Managers’ or a selected Manager.  Managers see their pending authorisations only.
  • Administrators can filter pending authorisations based on ‘All Projects’ or a selected Project.
  • Project Managers can filter pending authorisations for Projects they manage.  Staff Managers can view pending authorisations for Staff they manage.
  • Administrators can override Managers authorisations when submitting staff timesheets.
  • In the Audit tables the system records the Manager who does the actual authorisation via the screen as this may be different to the Manager who is sent the original request to authorise.
  • Display a high-level summary table of the hours and costs associated with the pending authorisations.

New Compact Interface

Mobile DevicesWe have completely revamped our compact interface for time entry using smartphones and other mobile devices. The new Compact interface not only looks great with the carry-over of colour schemes from the desktop interface but more importantly Compact offers core functionality for a mobile workforce including time and expense entry as well as the ability to submit timesheets for authorisation.

Compact Interface features include:

  • Secure login
  • Weekly and daily timesheet view
  • Time and expense entry
  • Time entry validation
  • Timesheet submit
  • Start/Stop time recording
  • Calendar control
  • Maintain active session
  • Colour schemes and themes
  • Support for most mobile devices running industry standard web browsers

The Compact Interface is also available directly from the desktop interface using the ‘Switch View’ button located in the top far right of the Timesheet View screen as highlighted in the screen capture below.

New Compact Interface

The ability to switch views from the desktop interface means that users now have the option to choose an alternative compact interface for time tracking. The ability to maintain an active session coupled with start and stop timers makes Compact a useful desktop tool for continuous time entry on multiple projects/tasks.

Reference and Note Fields

To allow the entry and storage of additional information, Reference and Note field are now available on all key entities including Staff, Projects, Tasks, Customers and Suppliers.

New Compact Interface

Time Entry Start/Stop Timers

Start and stop timer buttons are now available on the time add/edit screen.

If your system is configured to use start and finish times then by clicking the start button the system will automatically insert the current time as the Start Time. Once you have completed your project/task then click the stop button to have the system insert the current time as your Finish Time. Time Entry Start/Stop Timers
If your system is configured to use entry of hours worked only then by clicking the start button the system will start a timer on the screen inside the Worked Hours field. The timer will continue to tickover every second until you press the stop button. Once you press the stop button the system will insert the time spent in the Worked Hours field. Time Entry Start/Stop Timers

You can start a new timer on a second project/task which will then automatically stop the previous timer.

Note: Start and stop timers are supported on both the desktop and compact interface.

Manager and Audit reporting enhancementsManager and Audit reporting enhancements

One of the major benefits of email authorisation has and still is the fact that the manager can simply click on an embedded link in an email to view the staff timesheet and accept/reject the timesheet.

However if a pending authorisation email is subsequently forwarded to another manager to authorise then we don’t have the information required to track the manager who may have approved the timesheet and so the originating manager is captured as the authoriser in this case.

With the introduction of screen based authorisation requiring a login we have enhanced the auditing of the timesheet authorisation process for capturing the manager who did the actual approval. This is especially important as Administrators can now access the Authorisation screen to approve/reject timesheets. We have also added the ability for Managers to override pending authorisations if they need to intervene and submit a staff timesheet.

In addition the auditing function now captures a snapshot of the changes before and after. The audit reports present this information in ‘Last updated’ date order using colour coding to easily identify the event that took place, i.e. Insert, Change (from/to) or Delete.

Manager and Audit reporting enhancements

SSL Secure Login

i-Timesheets now uses 128-bit extended Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption to provide secure communication of your data over the Internet.

SSL Secure Login

Microsoft Active Directory IntegrationMicrosoft Active Directory Integration

If your organisation uses Microsoft Active Directory for organizing and managing users on your network, then i-Timesheets can leverage your MS Active Directory to authenticate and authorise user access to i-Timesheets deployed on your network.

Integration with the latest MYOB releases

i-Timesheets v5.4 will integrate with MYOB’s latest suite of AccoutingRight and AccountingEdge products for both the Australian and New Zealand versions of MYOB.

New Versions supported:

  • MYOB AccountRight 2012,2013
  • MYOB AccountRight Plus 2012,2013
  • MYOB AccountRight Standard 2012,2013
  • MYOB AccountingEdge 2012,2013

Other Enhancements

  • The Project Timesheet Report now defaults to the date range previously selected for other reports.  A check box was also incorrectly labelled ‘Add Task’ on this report.  This has been corrected to ‘Add Description’.
  • The Staff Admin page text search has been extended to include additional fields such as the Logon ID.
  • Fixed an issue with MS IE 10 causing the calendar control on reports to display the wrong century.
  • The column previously labelled Authorisor in the Audit Trail Report is now labelled Manager.
  • Performance of screens such as the time add/edit, check times and staff time tracking report has been significantly improved for large datasets.
  • The Cost Code Summary report displayed the heading ‘Percentage ex GST’.  The reference to the tax code has been removed and now reads as ‘Percentage’.
  • i-Timesheets has always suppressed the display of zero hours.  In some contexts zero hours are now displayed as 0.00.  This is particularly the case on timesheets for week and period totals, and in other contexts it indicates a zero-time entry.
  • The View Timesheet screen attempts to compensate for errors in the clock of a remote machine when calculating time-zone offsets which in the past under rare circumstances could result in the wrong day being highlighted as the current day.  This has been fixed.
  • In the Project multiselector dialog box a dropdown was labelled ‘Status’, and, since it could refer to either Customer or Project status.  The dropdown list is now labelled ‘Project Status’ to avoid any ambiguity.
  • Admin screens and reports with large result lists would occasionally exceed the size of the Web server’s output buffer.  The buffer is now flushed periodically to prevent buffer overflow failures.
  • In very rare circumstances the timesheet authorisation emails would include links which did not lead the authorisor to the correct data, and instead said that ‘no data could be found’.
  • The release of admin features to view and edit tables sometimes resulted in the edit privilege not being granted, particularly in the case of the ability to edit other users’ time records.
  • The code which detects concurrent sessions and allows recovery now automatically cancels the existing session and starts a new one.
  • The Project Task Budget report now includes time for which no Task is assigned.
  • TimeClock now supports time capture across multiple locations.
  • A new configuration option has been added to disable the display of financial values (charge and cost rates) on reports released to Managers.
  • Accounting system Integration:
    • Exports now offer many more options in the drop downs for deriving values from key tables including Staff, Customers, Suppliers, Projects, Tasks (note options do vary for different accounting systems).
    • QuickBooks timesheets export could under very specific circumstances summarise rather than displayed individual time records. This has been fixed.
    • The Accounting System Import could fail if some fields were not present in the import file.  The function has been made more robust.
    • QuickBooks Class now added as a drop down option in the QuickBooks Timesheet and Expenses export screen.

Coming soon: i-Timesheets version 5.4

v54Intertec are proud to announce the next release of i-Timesheets v5.4, packed with new features that are designed to streamline your time sheet tracking and management processes.

i-Timesheets enhancements are largely based on feedback from our valued customers and reflects our strong commitment to provide you with software that continues to add ‘real’ value to your business.

Here is a summary list of some of the enhancements included in our v5.4 release.

  • Manager Timesheet Authorisation Screen
  • New Compact Interface for both Desktop and Smartphones
  • Additional Reference and Note fields on Admin and Export Screens
  • New Time Entry Start/Stop Timers
  • Manager and Audit Reporting Enhancements
  • SSL Support
  • Plus more…

Now Available i-Timesheets v5.3

Intertec are proud to announce that the next version of its world class web timesheets management system is now available: i-Timesheets v5.3.

i-Timesheets version 5.3 features and enhancements are based on feedback from our valued customers and reflects our commitment to ensure i-Timesheets continues to meet your time recording and time tracking requirements.

Some of the major enhancements include:

  • New Manager Reporting
  • i-Timesheets now integrates with Xero Online Accounting
  • Time Clock Punch In/Out Interface
  • New Project Timesheet Report
  • New i-Timesheets Colour Schemes
  • Integration with the latest MYOB releases
  • Plus more…

See full details.

A new look i-Timesheets website!

We’ve just launched our new look i-Timesheets website!

i-Timesheets Homepage
We’ve updated the design and interface for a cleaner, more contemporary look, and added a new area to our Demo Rooms so that you can now view a Demo featuring our new Quickbooks Integration Module.

Our Support section has also been re-structured and beefed up, with an easy to use FAQ to help TimePro Admins and Users find answers to their frequently asked questions.

Have a look and let us know what you think!

i-Timesheets Coffee Connoiseurs

Here at i-Timesheets, we all enjoy our morning caffeine hit, so, as a bit of a departure from our usual blog updates, we thought we’d ask a few personages in Team i-Timesheets about their favorite coffee.


Petar:  “I can’t go without my morning flat white. I have a coffee machine at home and take my first shot there.”

Emma: “Skinny long mac + 1 for me thanks. That’s savage!” (You can tell she’s Irish!)

Steve: “Flat white for me thanks!”

David: “A cappucino +1 please.”

Seng: “Double shot espresso!”

From Xero to Hero: i-Timesheets integrates with Xero!

We’re upgrading i-Timesheet’s Accounting Integration Modules to enable integration with the Xero online accounting system

Using the new Xero Accounting Integration Module, you can export time records as invoices for Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable in Xero.

Key features of the new integration with Xero:

  • You can export Xero Customer and Supplier data into i-Timesheets. This will help set up and configure i-Timesheets to match your Xero records.
  • You can export time records from i-Timesheets into Xero to generate Accounts Payable Invoices and Accounts Receivable Invoices.

You no longer need to manually create the invoices in Xero! Stay tuned for more news about our new Xero Integration Module.